What We Do

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A mix of neurofunctional and Traditional approach to acupuncture is used to treat acute/chronic pain, migraines, neuropathies and complex pain syndromes.

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Sports Acupuncture

First we identify areas of movement and muscular dysfunction during our functional assessment. We then use acupuncture , often with electrostimulation to the muscles and nerves affected. When applied effectively restores mobility, strength, prevents and treats injuries while improving overall performance.

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Both are soft tissue techniques that provide positive sensory information to the nervous system. We use these tools to reduce myofoascial restrictions, improve range of motion, relax muscles and ultimately improve the environment to the area we are treating.

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Functional Assessment

Detailed and patient specific assessment looking at how you move, squat, muscle testing and the overall function/strength of the human body. Whether you are an elite athlete or just want to get out of pain this is part of every assessment at ADAPT.

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Manual Therapy

At our clinic we use active release techniques, soft tissue mobilization along with tuina (chinese medical massage). This may play a small or large part in your treatment but is used alongside acupuncture treatments to maximize results and improve recovery times.


Dry Needling

Trigger point acupuncture is the insertion of needles into active trigger points or "knots" located within muscles. These tight bands can cause pain locally or along the referral pattern of that muscle. We use advanced techniques to locate and precisely needle these points creating a release of the muscle and elmination of pain.